Health Trends We Are Ditching in 2024

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Just because everyone is doing juice cleanses doesn’t mean you have to.

The thing that annoys me about the wellness “industry,” as it were, is the transformation of one’s health into a status symbol of sorts, a bragging right. I’ve known more than a few people who go gluten-free for a couple of weeks and will not stop bragging about how amazing they feel. By all means, certain wellness practices like a juice cleanse or meditation can do a lot of good for you. But you shouldn’t feel compelled to do these things just on the off chance they might make you popular for a few minutes.

In the first place, good health is its own reward. If you’re going to get on some kind of health trend, it should be because you think the reported effects would be beneficial to you personally. If you’re already in decent health, there isn’t really much practical reason to engage in some kind of fad diet, no matter how much your friends tell you they feel like they could run a marathon or jump a hundred feet straight up. I guarantee that many of these supposed benefits can be attributed to a placebo effect.

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Some people may not like to hear this, but a lot of wellness fads are just that: fads. Products engineered to sound beneficial to make you buy random shlock you don’t need. Many of these products are poorly researched, if they’re researched at all, so throwing all of your lots in with them could cause damage to your body or cause chemical imbalances. If you ever feel like starting some kind of major health overhaul, you should first consult with your doctor. And I mean a real doctor, like a primary care physician, not the old “healer” lady selling essential oils out of a van with a beaded curtain.