From your head to your feet.
Now that we are starting off a new year, many of us have already made promises to ourselves and to our loved ones to live a healthier lifestyle. What exactly does that mean, though, and how do we go about doing it? Well, to start, we can examine the way we eat and, if needed, change it up.
Do you eat your vegetables? If so, what kind? Many of us probably do eat our veggies to make sure we get at least the minimum amount of servings per category from the food pyramid, but did you know not all vegetables are created equal? If you’re looking to lose some extra pounds and inches, start by filling half of your meal plate with non-starchy vegetables. This is because vegetables that are considered starchy tend to have more carbs and calories. Veggies low in carbs are great for nutrient, fiber, and water intake. Some great examples of non-starchy vegetables are carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and other dark green leafy veggies.
Another trick to help you control your portion intake is to eat your meals from a smaller plate or a smaller bowl. This is just a simple illusion that will help you feel more satisfied with less food. If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself.
Oatmeal is a great morning starter, packed with fiber and energy you’ll need to carry you out throughout the day. However, adding some fruit to your bowl of oats can help load you up with essential vitamins and minerals, not to mention bumping up the flavors that may not be found in your plain bowl of oatmeal.
Last, but definitely not least, if you’re a coffee drinker, you may want to consider taking your morning cup of joe black. Obviously, drinking a cup of a hot caffeinated beverage with added sugar, cream and other additives will be less beneficial to your body. So, simply cut the extra unneeded calories from your diet, but keep your much needed morning caffeine hit.